*You may receive split shipments for orders containing multiple items. We do this to ensure customers can get their order faster. Don't worry!

  • Order Number
  • Tracking Number


Please contact support@wrappiness.com for the correct tracking link and more information about your order.

    • Ordered
    • Info Received
    • In Transit
    • Pick up
    • OutForDelivery
    • Exception
    • Delivered

    Shipment details


      How to track

      Track your order with a few clicks.

      Step 1

      Fill out your order number and email address or tracking number you received via email when the order is shipped.

      Wrappiness Gifts

      Step 2

      Tracking updates show up.

      - It may take several days for the carrier to scan the latest checkpoint the order is at

      - If the tracking has stopped updating for 14 days, Contact us.

      - If the tracking shows delivery failures, please double-check your shipping address (right under the tracking number) to see if you had submitted correct address. If not, we won't be able to reship the package for you. The order will be disposed of once returned to our supplier. If you wish to have another item remade, Contact us, we will provide you with a quotation.

      Wrappiness Gifts

      Step 3

      Keep following for more updates via emails.

      Wrappiness Gifts