I Am Always With You - Personalized Custom Acrylic Plaque With Base


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    If you want to show your support and sympathy to someone who has lost their loved one, you may want to give them a personalized memorial ornament as a gift. This gift will let them know that you care and that you remember their loved one too. A personalized memorial plaque will also help them honor their loved one’s memory and celebrate their life.


    • Made of acrylic plexiglass, environmentally friendly, pollution-free, and odorless. Professional printing technology, clear pictures, no color difference, no color fading.
    • Package: acrylic sheet x acrylic stand. All products come packaged with a protective film to prevent scratches and dust. Simply, remove the film and your product will be ready to display on your big day.
    • Size: 4 x 6 inches, 6 x 8 inches, 10 x 7.5 inches.


    • Please complete fields required to customize options (Name/Characteristics) and recheck carefully all the customized options.
    • Text: Standard English excluding special characters, emojis to ensure the best looking.
    • Characteristics: Pick one-by-one options that match your description.
    • The last step, click "Preview" to get a glimpse of the wonderful creation you’ve made ❤️.

    Please be aware that the Preview may slightly different from the physical item in terms of color due to our lighting at our product photoshoot or your device’s display.

    Contact Us: HERE

    Shipping Information

    Average Processing Time: 3 - 5 business days 

    Average Shipping Time: 

    US Delivery 5 - 8 business days
    AU Delivery 10 - 12 business days
    UK, EU Delivery 10 - 12 business days
    CA Delivery 12 - 15 business days
    Rest Of The World 12 - 15 business days


    International orders: It may take additional days if orders have to go through customs.

    Learn more about our shipping info here, and our returns, refunds policy here.

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